Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reused Abstractions Principle

To program to interfaces or not? That is the question...

I introduced this principle 10 years ago when discussing OO design to counter the trend for speculative abstractions in many of the projects I encountered. Most particularly, the trend for putting interfaces everywhere, regardless of whether that interface represented some commonality betweren two or more types of object - which is what they're really for.

So I will stress that "programming to interfaces" is not good OO design, any more than "don't use getters and setters" is. These are overly simplistic formulas that mask more fundamental and nuanced principles. If the only class that ever implements the Customer interface is CustomerImpl, you don't really have polymorphism and substitutability because there is nothing in practice to substitute at runtime. It's fake generality. All you have is indirection and code clutter, which just makes the code harder to understand.

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